Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is who I am . . .

"Helloooo!" I shout out and hear my voice echoing out into the wide world of internet space. "Hello??? Anyone out there?" Well, maybe not, but if there is, let me introduce myself to you and tell you a bit about what sharing breakfast with me will mean.

I am married to an amazing man and have two beautiful children. For the most part, I have a very fulfilling life! The part that doesn’t fulfill me is my job. Isn’t that usually how it is? Do you know anyone who truly loves their job? Okay, I’m sure a few people do, but I’m not one of them. I decided I needed something that excites me . . something that I plan for . . . something that challenges me to try new and exciting things. That is how "Breakfast with Tiffany" was born.

Each day will have a fun theme. Mondays are Movie Review Mondays. I’ll review a movie that I watch the weekend before and give my thoughts and/or opinions. It could be one that is still in the theater, one that I watch with my kids, something that is new to DVD, or one of my old favorites. Whatever it is, I’ll tell you all about it and ask you to chime in.

Tuesdays are Tasty Treat Tuesdays. I am no foodie with a sophisticated palate, but I love food! On Tuesdays, I’ll share a favorite recipe that I love to use; or I’ll share a new recipe I’ve recently discovered and have fallen in love with.

Wednesdays are What I’m Wearing Wednesdays. This gives me an excuse to dress super cute at least one day of the week. =) You can rave about how much you love my outfit. Or you can give suggestions for ways I can improve the look. Or you can tell me that my outfit is hideous, and I’ll just cry.

Thursdays are Thrifty Thursdays. I’ll get to share with you an awesome deal that I scored. It might be something I picked up at a consignment or thrift store. It may be something I found on clearance at Target. Or it may simply be my weekly haul from Publix. Whatever it is, I’ll tell you where I found it and how I managed to get it so cheap!

Fridays are Free Fridays when I’m free to talk about whatever strikes my fancy. Maybe I’ll post another cute outfit. Maybe I’ll talk about how my 5k training and diet are going. Maybe I’ll talk about the wonderful way I’ve seen God working in my life. We’ll just see how I’m feeling when that day comes. =)

Occasionally on the weekend, I’ll post something called "It’s the weekend! Where am I?" If we manage to get out with the kids and go somewhere fun, I’ll tell you all about it!

Check back in on Monday for the big launch of my very first "Movie Review Monday"!


Tiffany said...

hey I saw your comment on another post and had to check out the other Tiffany on the page. And you live in FL! We already have a few things in common. Congrats on the beginning of your blog!

Grace Marie said...

ha! I love this. and I'm so glad you're pursuing your dream to teach!!!