Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer (Mom) Style: Maxi Skirt & Tank and a bit about Tri Training

Even moms who don't go to church have occasion to dress up, right?  On Wednesday night, the same day that my stylist gave me Miley Cyrus hair, I wore Outfit #15 to church.  So to keep my hair rockin', all I had to do was spritz on a bit of Pureology Sea Kissed Texturizer and it was ready to go!

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Tank: Target
Skirt: New York & Company
Wedges: Zulily

Okay, I've mentioned that I'm training for a triathlon. I need to make a confession.  I'm most certainly not training to win. I'm not really even training to finish. I'm training to not drown. For reals, you guys. This whole swimming thing is getting me down!

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If you've been following me for a while, you'd know that I began running a year or so ago and quickly fell in love with it.  After seeing my husband finish the Florida Ironman in November, I began to toy with the idea of doing a triathlon myself. But we have one tiny problem. I couldn't swim. As in, if I were ever in water over my head, I had a float. Period. Sure, I live near the beach, but I promise you anytime I went into the Gulf, I was clutching a floatie for dear life, praying that I wouldn't drown.

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So, I started taking swim lessons.  It took me about 1/2 of the lessons just to get the hang of breathing and getting my stroke right.  I just finished my swim lessons last night and I can still only swim about 75 yards before I think I'm going to die. Straight up die. I get so out of breath and my legs start to feel like lead. I have three weeks before the triathlon. Three weeks to get myself to where I can swim 300 yards in open water without dying. Needless to say, I'm a little discouraged.

Sorry to be such a downer on this beautiful Friday... Do any of you have advice for me? Anything at all to buck up my spirits a bit?

I'm linking up today with Passion for Fashion, Two-Thirty Five Designs and The Life of the Party


shortgirl said...

Can you do the breaststroke? That will help you when you are feeling winded and tired from the freestyle. Swimming is hard work (on your lungs) so it will take time to build that type of endurance up. Stay positive!

Rachel said...

Your hair is pretty awesome!! I can swim--doing a few laps in a pool isn't hard for me, but I'm not a strong swimmer--open water is a whole different story! That would be a huge challenge!

Ginny said...

Love the hair and outfit! Good luck with the swimming, I'm sure you'll do great!

the domestic fringe said...

Get a really great swimsuit in case you need a rescue. A girl can never be too prepared.

I'm really just kidding. I hope you know that.

Seriously, it's so awesome that you took on this challenge and went for swimming lessons and everything. That's very inspiring! My money's on you. You'll be great. You're very determined and strong from all the running you do.

I'll be praying you finish.

Cara said...

I've been swimming my whole life -- but it turns out that in the last 10 years or so, "swimming" became hanging out with friends in water. I tried to do a couple laps at the hotel pool yesterday and boy oh boy, my body revolted! Here's hoping it gets better!

Sherry said...

So funny, I was just thinking myself I should sign up for swimming lessons. My kids go twice a week and I've realized I do everything wrong in the water, especially the proper way to breath. Thanks for sharing your fabulous outfit with us!!

Lena B, Actually said...

You totally got this!!!

And that hair... LOVE! :)